Released: March 20, 2024
System requirements: Windows 10, 11 or macOS 10.13 - macOS 14
The LynxDanteSR application was designed to allow users of an Aurora(n)-Dante, Hilo-Dante or Aurora-Dante to follow sample rate changes of another Dante device, called the Device clock leader. The application was designed to look similar to the Dante Controller Clock Status page with an additional option to set the Device clock leader. The application will need to be kept running (minimized is fine) to automatically send the sample rate change commands. If the application is closed while minimized, it will re-open minimized. This way the application can be set to open upon startup and not take up space on the desktop. When closed, no automatic sample rate changes will occur. As soon as the application is launched, if Device clock leaders were previously selected, the application will immediately synchronize the sample rates.
Please note: Although it is possible to manually change the sample rate for any Dante device using the LynxDanteSR application, the application will only send automatic sample rate change commands to Lynx Dante devices.
The LynxDanteSR User Manual is available by clicking the “Download” button above or by clicking this link.